ROTH 2016 – The Birthing Stool
The Birthing Stool I have never in all my life experienced anything like the year 2016. When God gave me the theme The Birthing Stool, I had absolutely no idea what I was in for.
The first strange instruction was for me to order Birthing Stools from Ghana, so I did. I did because I had no choice, but I kept wondering how they will affect the conference. Then He told me that it was an all white affair. First, I don’t like the colour white, second I am very suspicious of places where the code is bothering on weird like asking attendees of an event to wear white. If I was a potential attendee, I probably wouldn’t attend or if at all I did, I would not comply…so I struggled. But again, God told me that He was set to do great things but the manifestation of what He had planned depended on my opinion…so I called a meeting.
I wanted my Sistas to tell me I wasn’t crazy. They didn’t understand the instruction but they believed that I must have heard from Heaven and they promised to comply. I was confident no one else would, but alas the 16th of July came which incidentally, was my 46th birthday and God’s glory came down. Single women who were not pregnant went into spiritual labour to bring forth and there were physical manifestation as would be with pregnant women.
And my life shifted majorly, just as the ministry took another turn… And here we are today, 2017, #RunWomanRun, and testimonies still abound. #10thRoth #2017Roth #RunWomanRun #MyGodAlewilase #MyFatherOgbenumudiasola
Bidemi Mark-Mordi